practice yoga for peace


"One moon gives more luster than all the stars; so a mooned soul--one who purely reflects the light of God--can influence the masses much more than the masses influence each other... One who in every way tries to uplift himself, harmonizing body, mind, and soul with the Divine, creates a positive karma not only in his own life, but in his family, neighborhood, country, and world... The goodness of one soul may effectively neutralize the mass karma of millions."


- Paramahansa Yogananda



There are many different types of yoga, but ultimately yoga means "union." Each pose, class, and style is intended to unite you with the focus of your practice.

Kriya Yoga is a meditative yoga that allows you to connect with God or the Infinite, bringing you into his presence and giving you the ultimate sense of bliss and peace.  
Assisi Institute, Rochester, NY 

Qi Gong is another meditative practice, that incorporates stillness, movement, and breathing with meditation.

Mindercise is a meditative practice that teaches you mindfulness meditation and helps you strategize ways to incorporate it into your everyday life to achieve calmness and tranquility throughout your day. 

Tai Chi can also be helpful as a moving meditative practice to quiet the mind and relieve stress.  


I remember taking yoga years ago and feeling more peaceful. I loved it, but it wasn't a peacefulness that I could replicate outside of class. I was also encouraged to try meditation, but that seemed elusive as well. A few years ago, I discovered a meditative yoga, called Kriya Yoga, that is a more disciplined meditative practice that actually taught me ways to meditate and achieve peace throughout my day. 

If you feel like you need help meditating or you want a more disciplined approach, I encourage you to explore a yoga practice like Kriya or Qi Gong or Tai Chi.

If you have other practices that you use that have been helpful to you, please share them. I would love to highlight them here as well.




soul stories


How has your meditative practice or yoga changed your life and brought you peace. I would love to hear from you! 

For more information on Kriya Yoga and Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda is considered the father of Yoga in the West. He trained with saints and masters in India before bringing Kriya Yoga to the West in the 1920's.

I have used quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda throughout the website, because I find peace, love, and light in his words and wanted to share them with you.

The Assisi Institute, Rochester, NY is a not-for-profit meditation center that practices Kriya Yoga and follows Paramahansa Yogananda's teahings in supporting individuals of all faiths on their spiritual journey. 

To learn more about Paramahansa Yoganada and his teachings: 

Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

The Divine Romance, Paramahansa Yogananda